Forge Dump Valve - Subaru Impreza Turbo/WRX/STI 97-98

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RRP £136.14 - OUR PRICE £125.00   Forge Motorsport polished alloy atmospheric ram dump valve and blanking plug for the ...
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RRP £136.14 - OUR PRICE £125.00


Forge Motorsport polished alloy atmospheric ram dump valve and blanking plug for the late Classic Impreza turbo and STi from 1997-1998.


This atmospheric diverter valve dumps the charge-air to atmosphere creating the "Whoosh" sound when the throttle is lifted.


This results in quicker throttle response and higher clamping load to maintain boost pressure more reliably.


Direct replacement for the original item that is located in the engine bay - very easy to fit.


This item is not suitable for cars with the o.e dump valve attached to the o.e intercooler - you will need FMDVV5012 or FMDVV5013.